Girls Gone Hungry

Date Night in an Igloo :: Geodesic Domes at Chapman House

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Date night getting stale? Looking for something different to wow that special person in your life? Chapman House has you covered with two geodesic domes now open for reservations.  The cozy igloos are adorned with white string lights and warm fuzzy blankets. Inside you’ll find a whimsical tree stump table and even a Bluetooth speaker that you can use to play music from your phone. It’s the perfect winter space!

Guests can reserve an igloo in hour time slots to enjoy drinks, desserts, and appetizers. We had the opportunity to spend an evening here and it was magical. We felt as though we were drinking cocktails in Norway. Chapman House is keeping the igloos available through February. Trust us, this is not something you want to miss. You can make a reservation by calling 248-759-4406.


Swoon. Have you ever seen anything so cozy? 
Just the right amount of snow on top!
You’re gonna want ten of these.
These are so pretty we almost didn’t want to eat them.
All the noms
Sigh. Perfection.

Visit Chapman House to learn more about this restaurant.